Image: Image for the entry: Christmas packages for children in Mosambique
Image: Marko S.

Christmas packages for children in Mosambique

Our association IniciativAngola is supporting in collaboration with the Don Bosco sisters in Mozambique children with food packages worth 25 €.

We have set ourselves the goal of collecting so much money that we can help at least 100 children with food parcels this Christmas.

One Christmas package includes:

5 kg rice, 8 kg corn flour, 3 kg sugar, 2 l oil, 4 kg beans, 2 kg milk powder and 2 kg salt.

Sister Zvonka wrote: "Thanks to all, who will donate for our children! Also your Christmas holidays will be happier, if you make Christmas for children in Mozambique more special.”

We invite you to be part of this important mission!

You can donate via the homepage or you can donate directly to the account of the association IniciativAngola:

IBAN: AT 06 3910 0000 1421 3581


Account owner: IniciativAngola


You can deduct your donation from taxes in Austria.

We guarantee that your whole donation will be transferred to our project partners, Don Bosco sisters in Mozambique.

Thank you! Obrigado!